CleanSpace Ultra záslepky při dekontam

Značka: CERVA
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Kód: 0706019199999
CleanSpace Ultra záslepky při dekontam
Značka: CERVA
Garancia doručenia
nepoškodeného tovaru
Cez 3000 výdajných miest
po celom Slovensku
CleanSpace Ultra cleaning & storage plug is designed to be used with the CleanSpace Ultra respirator unit (PAF-0070); it is a tool used to seal all the openings on the CleanSpace Ultra PAPR unit for storage during and after decontamination; do not wear the respirator when the plug set is in place; the plug set is made of nylon and silicone and is safe for use in decontamination operations; designed for comfort over long periods; easy and quick replacement; product weight 100 g; product dimensions 180 x 110 x 800 mm

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Príslušenstvo
Záruka: 2 roky

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