JSP EVO Lite Micro Peak WR neventil.

Značka: CERVA
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Kód: 0601013980999/BIELA/- 0601013940999/MODRA/- Zvoľte variant
JSP EVO Lite Micro Peak WR neventil.
Značka: CERVA
Garancia doručenia
nepoškodeného tovaru
Cez 3000 výdajných miest
po celom Slovensku
The EVOLite® EN 397 industrial safety helmet is a breakthrough product in the field of health and safety thanks to its unrivaled comfort; the helmet is light, extremely comfortable; the harness and shell are truly integrated as one unit to provide the best performance by keeping them firmly on the head in any position; provides increased safety and protection when working at heights, in strong winds or at a high level of activity

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Priemyselné prilby
Záruka: 2 roky

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