JSP EVO VISTA náhradné okuliare B-rated

Značka: CERVA
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Kód: 0604011599999
JSP EVO VISTA náhradné okuliare B-rated
Značka: CERVA
Garancia doručenia
nepoškodeného tovaru
Cez 3000 výdajných miest
po celom Slovensku
Replacement Integrated Over Moulded Anti Mist Anti Scratch KN Lens for EVO®VISTAlens® Helmet. When fitted to the EVO®VISTAlens® Helmet this replacement lens has the following features and benefits: optical Class 1 - High optical quality with no optical distortion; K Rated - Anti-Scratch resistance to surface damage from fine particles; N Rated - Anti-Mist resistance to fogging; UV 2C-1.2 2: UV filter (EN170) provides protection from harmful UV. C: Unimpaired colour perception. 1.2: High light transmission.

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Kategória: Príslušenstvo
Záruka: 2 roky

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