SR 515 Protiplynový filter ABE1

Značka: CERVA
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Kód: 0704011699999
SR 515 Protiplynový filter ABE1
Značka: CERVA
Garancia doručenia
nepoškodeného tovaru
Cez 3000 výdajných miest
po celom Slovensku
515 ABE1 gas filter are intended for use in the SR 500/SR 500 EX fan. Protect against the following gases/vapours: Type A protects against organic gases and vapours, such as solvents, with boiling points > +65 °C. Type B protects against inorganic gases and vapours, such as chlorine, hydrogen sulphide and hydrogen cyanide. Type E protects against acidic gases and vapours, such as sulphur dioxide and hydrogen fluoride. The SR 500/SR 500 EX fan unit must always be used with two particle filters or two combined filters consisting of gas filters and particle filters.

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Filtre
Záruka: 2 roky

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